nydia | Date: Tuesday, 2013-06-11, 4:24 PM | Message # 1 |
![nydia](https://3077067244.uid.me/avatar.jpg) Private
Group: Member
Messages: 12
Status: Offline
| <::|| Radio Code Classification ||::>
Radio Codes:
10-0: Use caution. 10-1: Not understood. 10-2: Testing frequency. 10-3: Stop transmitting. 10-4: Copy. 10-5: Understood. 10-6: Change frequency. 10-7 Off-duty. 10-8: Unit on duty. 10-9: Repeat. 10-10: Busy. 10-11: Not busy. 10-12: Detainment in progress. 10-13: Detainment completed/Suspect in detainment. 10-14: Suspect escaped. 10-15: Ration deployment. 10-16: Release suspect. 10-17: Re-supplying. 10-18: As soon as possible. 10-19: Returning to previous location. 10-20: Location. 10-21: Report to Nexus. 10-22: Disregard last said. 10-23: Stand by at (Location). 10-24: Request backup. 10-25: Cleaned. 10-26: CCA Applicant. 10-27: Have a 647E at location. 10-28: Officer hit! 10-29: Check for contraband. 10-30: Mal-compliant citizen at location. 10-32: Runner. 10-33: Level 5 violation. 10-34: Level 4 violation. 10-35: Level 3 violation. 10-36: Level 2 violation. 10-37: Level 1 violation. 10-38: Detainee awaiting civil judgement. (Amputation) 10-39: Detainee taken care of. (Re-education/amputation) 10-40: No units avaliable for judgement. 10-41: Unit avaliable for judgement. 10-42: Detainee is acting up, requesting re-education. 10-43: Citizen injured. 10-44: Citizen on Overwatch. 10-45: Citizen jumped. 10-46: Dead citizen. (DB also works) 10-47: Proceed to location. 10-48: Move back from location. 10-49: Standing by at location. 10-50: Patrol. 10-51: Citizen is violent. 10-52: Citizen is passive. 10-53: 404 dealt with. 10-54: Possible DB. 10-55: Confirmed DB. 10-56: HELIX needed to location. (not urgent) 10-57: Units to UCH for inspection. 10-58: Inspection complete. 10-59: Miscount. 10-60: Lockdown. 10-61: How copy? 10-62: Citizen requesting audience. 10-65: Suspicious activity at... 10-66: Suspicious activity confirmed at.. 10-67: Responding to request. 10-68: Citizen requesting assistance. 10-69: UPA at... 10-70: UPA dealt with. 10-71: Inbound to 10-20. 10-72: Gun involved in violation. 10-73: Hostage situation. 10-74: Initiating JW. 10-75: CP kidnapped, requesting assistance at 10-20. 10-76: COTA required online. 10-77: Bomb situation. 10-78: Dispatch for Officer in trouble. (Use in emergencies!) 10-79: HC is down! (Obviously emergency) 10-80: Explosion. 10-81: Explosion at 10-20. 10-82: Requesting AIRWATCH Augmentation force. 10-83: Malignant activity at 10-20. 10-84: SCN down. 10-99: Officer Down, In trouble. (Use in emergencies, and when ANOTHER officer is down.) 10-103M: Subject is mentally unfit. 10-106: Obscenity. 10-107: Suspicious Citizen. 10-107M: Disturbance. 11-1: Request medical assistance. 11-2: Request Overwatch. 11-3: Stalker. 11-4: SCN. 11-5: Sitrep. 11-6: Suspect is here, 10-20 is... 11-7: Policide. 11-20: Unauthorized public gathering. 11-22: Contraband. 11-23: Contraband distribution. 11-44: Get the clean up crew. 11-99: Officer requires immediate assistance! (Use only for emergencies!) 404: Riot. 505: Assault. ADW: Assault with a deadly weapon. BOL: Be on the lookout. DB: Dead body. UTL: Unable to locate. GOA: Gone upon arrival.
Code 30: Homicide. Code 30S: Homicide by shooting. Code 31S: Shooting. Code 500: Unlawful entry. Code 647A: Vagrant loitering in a public place. (Vagrant means someone Homeless.) Code 647B: Vagrant is non-cohesive. Code 647C: Vagrant is evasion status! Code 647E: Anti-citizen. Code 100: If a citizen who applies, says his name/CID wrong.
Status Codes: Only used by EpU+
Shield - Protect that person/site/objective. Midnight - Radio silence avoid making noises or citizens can hear you. Sword - Weapons hot, be aggresive. Dash - Ignore everything to reach position. Pacify - Knock out the target. Amputate - Kill the target. Evasion - Disallow any Citizen/CWU Into Nexus. Sacrifice - Self Explainatory. Sacrifice your life for the mission if nessesary Lockdown - Block off position/Lock the place.
Added (2013-06-11, 4:24 PM) --------------------------------------------- // Note* these Radio Codes are not being Enforced to a stand that you MUST use it, NO. These are only for reference and you can choose not to use it. But if you truely want to have some great RP experiences, the Admins strongly recommand you to learn and use it. Peace~
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